In a world where everyone is connected and information travels fast, English is an indispensable knowledge to juggle in a conscious and self-confident way through the different areas of your life, starting with your everyday activities.
As you surely know, English is not the most spoken language in the world, but it’s spoken as a first language in 53 countries and as a second language in over 118 countries. We can define English as an international and global language, because is the tongue of the technological revolution and the Internet and it also dominates international finance, trading and diplomacy, thanks to the economic and cultural power of the USA. Last but not least, nowadays, lots of films, books and music are published and produced in English.

With the awareness of its dominance in many social areas, it’s easy to understand why English is so highly valued in the working world. Having a good knowledge of this language will help you to find a job more easily, especially abroad. Moreover, given that over half the content in the internet is in English, mastering this language is essential if you want to get more materials that are not available in other languages. In addition, if you have the travel bug, you won’t ever find difficult to communicate and ask for information to the locals, because if you speak in English almost everyone will understand you! Your ability to speak fluently will help you make new internatio- nal friends and increase your cultural background.
According to Swiss research, learning a new language changes the brain structures, impacts positively on your memory and creativity and, in long term, helps keep your memory strong and healthy. Learning a foreign language also improves your personality, increases your sense of self-worth and your ability to express yourself. Besides, you have no idea of how many new skills you will discover, such as the versatility or the ability to handle difficult situations in a clever way. You will soon become a smart cookie, and you will also look more attractive to others. In the end, knowing English will allow you to study anywhere and give you the opportunity to reinvent yourself whenever you want by moving to a different country.
Learning English is not as difficult as you might think. In fact, it’s a really flexible language, which means that you can express the same idea in lots of different ways thanks to a vast vocabulary. Additionally, its grammar is easier than that of other languages with fewer rules. I’ll tell you more: English can be also funny to learn! You can watch films and listen to English podcasts and music using subtitles or practice your fluency with a mother tongue. At first it might be difficult, but as you progress, you will discover that English is not just useful, but also fun and rewarding!
Chiara Pira